Wednesday, June 22, 2011

6.22 La Fortuna waterfall and kayaking on Lake Arenal- El dia de agua

This morning we were able to swim in La Fortunta waterfall and later went kayaking.  The waterfall was impressive to say the least. A 500 step "stairway" down to the falls was well worth seeing.  The water drop is 120 feet and the pool at the bottom is around 150 yards across. Diego told us that we were not allowed behind the waterfall, or within ten feet of it. We may have been able to get behind it, but there is no way a person could get within ten feet of the falling water due to the current it creates (many tried). On the way out of the waterfall we saw two Howler monkeys!  After a half hour drive we came to Lake Arenal and kayaked across the lake to a swimming area.  The group had a great time working together in the two person kayaks and at one time we were able to get a clear shot of the volcano that hides in the clouds very close to the lake. We returned to eat lunch at the hotel, then drove back to La Fortuna to shop and have free time.  After we shopped around a bit at La Fortuna we headed to a hot springs resort that turned out to be a resort for Costa Ricans and tourists alike.  The resort consists of natural hot spring water flowing into man-made pools.  Pools ranged from cool water all the way up to 150 degrees.  We just arrived back at Las Cabanitas and are going to be eating at 7:30.  Most of the group, including myself, kept their bathing suits on the entire day!  Between the hike and the kayaking, I am assuming we will have some sore travelers tomorrow during our trip to Monteverde. **Shelli Hulse is also running a blog.  View her pictures at http//

Casey gets some pics of the La Fotuna waterfall before descending into the swimming area.

Don't worry it's not poisonous

Contrary to what seems to be going on in this picture, Ben and Zeke made it back to the shoreline far (I was trying to catch them).

Hector gave us strict instructions that you should only splash with hands so that we do not hit others.  Michael had to take matters into his own hands here to defend his yak against Ben. 

Linda and Haley are patiently waiting out a kayak jam here.

Claire and Shelli are showing near perfect rowing technique on the trip across the lake.

Josh, Christian, Talia and Tashi line up their yaks for a pic in front of the Arenal volcano
Arenal from La Fortuna 
The crew at the Hot Springs

1 comment:

  1. Buenos Dias! Wow -- It looks like everyone is having a blast! By the way, what kind of weather (temp, etc.) have you been having? Also, what are the meals like? Anyway, the photos are great -- thanks for taking the time to keep us so well informed. Sending our best wishes to everyone and our love to Haley and Linda. --Lydia & Brad, Haley's grandparents (FYI, Shelli's blog link doesn't work...)
